I am so excited to announce that Draper Hinks will soon be moving office.
I have been looking for a suitable office to buy for the last two and a half years. The estate agent said that he had not had the type of property required by me for over three and a half years. Even the local MP told me that what I was looking for did not exist.
Unperturbed I kept looking until I got a phone call late on a Friday afternoon in January 2019. It was the estate agent calling me at 4.45pm saying he had just had confirmation to sell the property next to his office and did I want to have a look around? Within a week I had put in an offer. The vendor then proceeded to add £20k to the purchase price. I met her half way.
The building had tenants in. They were given notice and left on the 15th March. I had the mortgage offer ready, the solicitor poised to complete at the end of the month, but it did not happen.
For those people looking to buy or sell an accountancy practice, one party may be very keen to proceed to completion but the deal goes through at the pace of the slowest party. I tell all of my clients this but it is hard to take in on board when you are at the receiving end.
Anyway, long story short, we completed on Monday 29th July, which just happened to be my birthday. So I am now a proud owner of an office that needs a lot of work doing to it and a 10 year mortgage. So Draper Hinks will soon have a new address and we are all very excited about the pending move.
Please remember if you are thinking of selling your accountancy practice or buying fees, then contact me, Nicola Draper on 01788 816440 or email me at n.draper@draperhinks.co.uk.
Remember everything discussed will be kept in the strictest of confidence.