Potential Seller Newsletter July 2022



Nicola Draper founder Draper Hinks Hello, I’m Nicola Draper.  I run Draper Hinks and have done so since 2004.   We sell only accountancy fees and I am excited to announce that, since inception, we have completed over 365 deals.

Draper Hinks is very proud of its track record and reputation.  Please feel free to contact me anytime at n.draper@draperhinks.co.uk with any questions.


If you are fed up and don’t want to work in accountancy any more, do not shut your door and tell your clients to find another accountant.  Call us and let us sell your fees.

By selling your fees you will be able to have a choice of potential buyers so you can choose the best fit for your clients.  A good fit will give you a higher retention rate.   A higher retention rate will mean you get paid more.

Contact me n.draper@draperhinks.co.uk if you want to find out more.

This is a case study from a practice we sold in 2021:-
Fees sold £300,000 Where Essex
Qualified QBE Age 69
Time scale 12 months Type of Practice Sole Practitioner
Payment 3 tranches How paid 60%, 20%, 20%
Multiple 1.2 x fees When paid Comp, 12 months, 24 months
Offers 3 offers Office & staff Office and staff retained
Results Vendor spent more time with children and grandchildren



Are you a seller in one of these areas? 

This is only small sample of some of the buyers registered with us, we have many more that are keen to buy.  These buyers have specifically asked us to find a seller for them in your area and are keen to proceed.  If you are interested in finding out more, then please contact me, Nicola Draper, at n.draper@draperhinks.co.uk quoting the reference.

Ref Where Amount
P4/W1/DHB/10 Northamptonshire up to 500k
P4/W1/DHB/11 Gloucestershire up to 400k
P4/W1/DHB/12 Leicestershire up to 100k



Here are two testimonials from previous vendors:-
Testimonial 1

I heard about Draper Hinks from exchanges on Accountancy Web.  I chose them because of the personal touch they give to their service.  I could not have asked for more support or time from them.  Their process is excellent.  They understood the stresses and issues we faced and guided us through.  Trying to do this without Draper Hinks is unimaginable.  We have a campervan, a motorcycle and a taste for adventure and are now going to go “gallivanting”.

Vendor – Daniel Barr-Richardson FCA     East Sussex

Testimonial 2

I heard about Draper Hinks from one of their flyers.  They had a good website and were pleasant to talk to.  I would be happy to recommend them if the opportunity were to arise.  They were friendly and had straight answers to my questions.  It is a transaction you will do only once and part of the broker’s role is to mentor.  You need advice from the people who do the work every day.  I am looking forward to not having to work to deadlines any more.

Vendor – Simon Brook   CA                           Monmouthshire



Income Multiples Paid in the last 12 months

2021 Quarter Average income multiple paid Lowest income multiple paid Highest income multiple paid Lowest income multiple offered Highest income multiple offered
Quarter 3 Jul – Sep 0.995 0.6 (1 pmt) 1.25 0.5 (1 pmt) 1.25
Quarter 4 Oct – Dec 0.9475 0.8 1.25 0.8 1.25
Quarter 1 Jan – Mar 0.76 0.6 1.0 0.5 (1pmt) *1.50
Quarter 2 Apr – Jun 1.02 0.73 (1pmt) 1.15 0.6 (1pmt) 1.25

*1.5 x fees was offered but rejected because the fit was not good between the buyer and the seller.

NB None of the above figures are to be reproduced in any way without express permission from Nicola Draper.

Please check out our website www.draperhinks.com where you can:-

  • Download our Guide to Selling and Buying Fees by registering for our eBook.
  • View lots of video testimonials.
  • Read our monthly Blogs that give regular market commentary.

Next step

If you are thinking about selling, then contact Nicola Draper at n.draper@draperhinks.co.uk or call her on 01788 816440.  Everything discussed will be totally confidential.