Things people are doing after selling their practice in 2024

  • I sold my practice because retirement was long overdue.  I am most looking forward to building my holiday home, having the time to read and travelling.

Charles Ellinas                              (Permission given to use his name)

  • I wanted to sell my practice to do other things.  I am most looking forward to making websites and I am delighted I am not an accountant anymore!

Dan Imray                                        (Permission given to use his name)

  • I knew it was time to retire because I lost all enthusiasm to learn new tax rules.  I am now looking forward to having time to myself to get fit and not being “on call” for clients all the time.

Jan Woodburn                               (Permission given to use her name)

  • I heard about Draper Hinks through Accountingweb and I decided it was time to sell my practice and retire.  I want to take more holidays and take more exercise.

Neville Ford                                    (Permission given to use his name)

  • I had to sell my accountancy practice because ill health made it necessary.  I had received many Newsletters over the years from Draper Hinks, so got in touch.  I am looking forward to rediscovering my record and cd collection that runs into thousands of items. 

Stephen Cooke                              (permission given to use his name)

  • At my age I needed to do less and have more time for my wife and myself.  I am looking forward to no tax returns or accounts, more days away and golf.

Michael Zakis                                 (Permission given to use his name)

  • I sold my practice because I wanted to retire and take a long holiday.

Paul Case                                          (permission given to use his name)

  • It was my time to retire.  I am so looking forward to walking, swimming, sketching, exploring the South West of England and spending more time with my wife!

Richard Evans                                (permission given to use his name)

NB:-  If you want to do any of these fun things by selling your accountancy practice, please contact me at so we can have a no obligation, confidential chat at a time to suit.